Museums Amsterdam
The Netherlands hosts excellent museums. They form one of the main tourist attractions in the Netherlands. There is a large variety of high quality museums. Let us introduce our top five for Amsterdam.
The Rijksmuseum is one of the largest museums of the Netherlands. It contains everything from ancient sculptures and hand-crafted furniture to an actual propeller plane. In the Gallery of Honor, you will find works from Johannes Vermeer, Frans Hals, and Rembrandt’s masterpiece ‘The Night Watch’.
The Stedelijk Museum contains more than 90,000 pieces which present some of the best of modern art, such as Picasso, Koons, and so forth.
The Hermitage Amsterdam is a satellite of St. Petersburg’s world-famous Hermitage Museum. It features exhibitions on Dutch art and history, as well as on Russian culture.
The Van Gogh Museum. A Must See for the fans of the probably most famous painter of our planet.The museum houses over 200 works of Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gaugain. Here you can not only see the works of the painter, but also learn about his personal life.
EYE Filmmuseum. This museum features a permanent exhibition tracing the history of film, as well as rotating exhibits on famous directors. It also houses four on-site theaters. The museum’s stunning facade mirrors its forward-thinking approach to art and film.
Manga Comics
For those of you who love Manga, Comics, or Comic strips, then this is the place you must visit. This shop is located at Rue de l’Université 11, 4000 Liège, Belgium or about an hour from Brussels or Antwerp. This shop not only sells various types of comics, but also some action figures or merchandise with varying prices.
Salvador Dalí : The Renowned Surrealist Artist From Spain
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, 1st Marquess of Dalí of Púbol gcYC was born in Figueres, Spain, May 11, 1904. He was a surrealist artist from Spain who is known for his technical prowess, excellent draftsmanship, and startling and unusual pictures .
He developed his painting manture artistic style, which Sigmund Freud’s writings on the sensual relevance of subconscious images were discovered, as was his connection to the Paris Surrealists, a group of artists and authors who attempted to establish the “greater reality” of the human mind about reason. To bring up images from his subconscious mind, Dalí began to induce hallucinatory states in himself by a process he described as “paranoiac critical.”
TOP 3 Recommendation Restaurant in Paris
Dinner with a beautiful view of Paris is the perfect choice to spend time with a loved one. In this article you will find some suggestions.
Behind The Weeping Woman, Pablo Picasso 1937
The weeping woman is one of the famous Picasso paintings, created on 26 October 1937 and has been housed in the collection of the Tate Modern in London since 1987. In this article, you’ll find the history of the famous paintings of Picasso.
Love chocolate and waffles? Then you must visit this country! Beligium is a European country that is famous for its waffles and chocolate. Therefore, you shouldn’t miss trying chocolate and waffles when you visit Belgium.
In addition to chocolate and waffles, there are several other places, according to Dine With A Guide, that you should visit for shopping in Belgium.
Weekends are eagerly awaited by many people to take a break from the activities of the office, school, or tiring daily activities. Some spend it with their partner, family, friends or even alone. However, unpredictable weather with storms as well as frequent rains can hamper the vacation plans that have been prepared as well as possible.
Even though outdoor activities are very difficult to do right now, that doesn’t mean there aren’t activities that can be done to fill your time off. Dine With A Guide has several recommended activities to spend your time during the weekend, especially for indoors activities.
The History of Mona Lisa Painting
The painting of Mona Lisa was painted by famous Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci, and it has been described as the best known, most visited, most written about, most sung about, and most parodied work of art in the world. But, no one really know who is actually Mona Lisa?
Leonardo Da Vinci Life Journey : History, Artwork and Legacy
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the famous painters in the world, known for his Mona Lisa painting. He was born in Anchiano, Tuscany, now Italy, close to the town of Vinci that provided the surname we associate with him today. In his own time he was known just as Leonardo or as “Il Florentine,” since he lived near Florence—and was famed as an artist, inventor and thinker. Then, how is the life history of this masterpiece??
Le château de Versailles : joyau du classicisme
Accueillant le Roi-Soleil et sa cour dès 1682 en tant que résidence principale de la Couronne de France, ce château, patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO depuis 1979, a fait l’objet de trois campagnes d’architecture successives aux mains des français Louis Le Vau, François II d’Orbay et Jules Hardouin-Mansart.
La construction de cette œuvre d’art monumental remonte au XIIIᵉ siècle à l’initiative de Louis XIII, père de Louis XIV. Le roi fait construire ici meme deux pavillons de chasse. Ces premiers édifices du futur château de Versailles sont finalment de très modestes bâtisses constructs avec des matériaux non nobles. Le domaine est racheté en 1632 par Louis XIII qui se décide à faire des lieux une véritable résidence royale.
Antonio Gaudí: curso de vida (1852-1926)
La familia de Antonio Gaudí i Cornet se dedicaba a la artesanía después varias generaciones y Gaudí maduró aquí en Riudoms, o Reus según otras bibliografías, and Cataluña. Todos caldereros, el joven Gaudí rápidamente comprendió como tratar los espacios y los volúmenes. El benjamin de esta familia de cinco niños supo como agudizar su sentido de la observación.
Una ciudad española verde
¿Es el calentamiento global el mal del siglo XXI? Aunque las Naciones Unidas han establecido 17 objetivos en el marco de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible ratificados por los Estados miembros, la transición ecológica no es solamente meidas para mejorar el medio ambiente. Se trata de igual manera de ayudar a las poblaciones ponerse en marcha para adoptar comportamientos ecoresponsables, como el hecho de reducir su huella de carbono.
Salamanca: capital europea de la cultura
Salamanca despierta sentimientos extraordinarios… Hace 2,700 años sus primeros pobladores eligieron el cerro de San Vicente para instalarse. El perfil particular de esta ciudad inspiró muchas obras literarias y refl exiones artísticas.
Top 3: ¿Qué hacer en Málaga?
¿Apasionado de historia? España ofrece un conjunto cultural excepcional de la arquitectura a las artes, encontrad en Málaga un lugar cosmopolita lleno de riquezas.
El único lenguaje silbado del mundo
El silbo gomero nació en la isla de la Gomera, and las Islas Canarias (España). Se reproduce con silbidos la lengua espanola. Al origen se silbó el guanche y tras la conquista de las Islas Canarias en el siglo XVI se adaptó al castellano.
Un écrin de verdure côtier
Au nord du Havre, la petite commune de Fécamp, sur la cote normande, au cœur des falaises et en bordure de plage, a un charme fou. Dans cet écrin de verdure côtier, on découvre des endroits vestiges du patrimoine historique fécampois.
Un écrin de verdure côtier
Au nord du Havre, la petite commune de Fécamp, sur la côte normande, au cœur des falaises et en bordure de plage, a un charme fou. Dans cet écrin de verdure côtier, on découvre des endroits vestiges du patrimoine historique fécampois.
Real Madrid is one of the most famous football clubs in n the world, which has won a number of trophies including winning the European Cup 13 times, Regional Championship 18 times, Spanish Super Cup 11 times, and Fifa World Club 7 times.
La Place Stanislas : une des plus belles places du monde
La “Ville aux Portes d’Or”, Nancy, tient son surnom de sa Place Stanislas. Entourée de six grilles en fer forgé agrémentées de feuilles d’or, cette place est patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO depuis bientôt 40 ans. L’éditeur de guides touristiques Lonely Planet classe 4ᵉ plus belle place du monde la “Place Stan” en 2013, la qualifiant de “joyau architectural”.